EFISGarmin GNS430W.Attitude indicator

WAAS Navigation: Review and Update

San Carlos Airport (SQL)
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

This seminar reviews WAAS navigation with principally an IFR focus.

It looks first at the WAAS system components, its satellites and ground stations. Then it compares non-WAAS-aided GPS (basic GPS) to GPS enhanced by WAAS. We review area navigation terminology, including the concepts of required navigation performance (RNP), waypoints, and course sensitivity levels.

WAAS improves both the accuracy and integrity of basic GPS. We define these concepts and compare the implementation under the old and new systems.

The core of the seminar is an in-depth understanding of RNAV approaches under WAAS. We review the design of RNAV approach charts, the NOTAM system, selection of alternate airports, minimums charting, and features peculiar to RNAV charts. We describe how course sensitivity changes throughout the approach and how that is communicated to the pilot.

Finally, we review actual RNAV approaches in the Bay Area and point out some of their idiosyncrasies, and how the IFR pilot can learn to generalize those characteristics to approaches elsewhere.


Register via FAAST Online Event Registration.

WINGS Credit

See the FAA Safety Event.

This seminar qualifies for 1 credit for Basic Knowledge 3.



On Wednesday, January 23, 2013 at 7:00pm.


Notes for the class (12.7 MB).


Brian Eliot, CFI-I


San Carlos Flight Center
655 Skyway Rd.
Suite 215
San Carlos, CA 94070

Driving directions.


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