Aircraft Icing: Risks and Strategies

Palo Alto Airport (PAO)
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

This seminar is a comprehensive look at aircraft icing: how it forms on the ground and in the air, where it occurs and how to avoid it, how ice is removed after it forms, and the effects of ice on aircraft performance and control.

What are the criteria for ice reporting in PIREPs and other weather products? We'll examine these and the newer ice prediction models.

What is the pilot's response to ice? How do symptoms of a main wing stall differ from those of a tailplane stall? How has misdiagnosis of icing been a factor in accident investigations? We'll examine some common misconceptions and look at the surprising findings of NASA icing research.

Although icing is a special concern for IFR, pilots in VFR conditions can be subject to the worst icing hazards as well.

Attend and have your questions on icing answered and receive valuable pointers for additional self-education.


Register via FAAST Online Event Registration.

WINGS Credit

See the FAA Safety Event.

This seminar qualifies for 1 credit for Basic Knowledge 3.




On Wednesday, February 8, 2012 at 7:30pm.


Mary Ellen Carlin, CFI
Brian Eliot, CFI


West Valley Flying Club
Palo Alto Airport
1901 Embarcadero Road
Suite 100
Palo Alto, CA 94303

Driving directions.


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