Saturday, August 16, 2014, 12:00pm
Wednesday, January 27, 2016, 7:00pm
Jeppesen or Aeronav (formerly NACO) charts?
Which should you use? This is an ancient choice for IFR pilots.
We'll take a neutral, non-evangelistic look at both chart systems, not only with an examination of their approach charts differences, but also taking into consideration the structure of the complete IFR charting subscription package: departures, arrivals, alternate minimums, climb and descent performance charts, en route charts, airport diagrams, and cross-referencing. We also will look at the differences in subscriptions, updating, coverages, and typical costs, and will show some electronic charting options as time permits.
Register via FAAST Online Event Registration .
FAA Select Number WP1557031
See the FAA Safety Event.
The presentation can be seen here:
San Carlos Airport
San Carlos Flight Center
655 Skyway Rd
Suite 215
San Carlos, CA 94070
My Flight Training